Our Mission

Saint Timothy Catholic School joyfully instills a love of Christ and
empowers every child to achieve, lead, and serve with integrity and compassion.

Our Students

Our school serves dynamic learners from preschool through eighth grade and is built on a dedication to our partners in faith and education, their families.

Our Teachers

Our team includes 31 classroom teachers,  21 instructional assistants, 8 specials teachers, 4 resource team members, and 2 school nurses.

Our Theme

Our theme for the 2024-2025 school year:
"Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing so gentle as true strength."
- Saint Francis de Sales

Our Accreditations

We are accredited by the Virginia Catholic Education Association, have a state licensed preschool program, and are National Blue Ribbon recipients.

Our Day to Day

We hope you will come visit us! In the meantime, click our social media links below to see what we're up to:


Mr. Pryor’s Welcome


August 2022

Dear Saint Timothy Catholic School Families,

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! Our teachers have spent the last several weeks preparing for your kids’ return on Wednesday. To say that they are excited would be an understatement. We have teachers that range in experience from first year in the classroom, to 25 years in Catholic education (Mr. Scoffone), to career switchers who want to work with children and bring them closer to Christ. What I find most inspiring about being part of this team is that everyone is willing to help one of their colleagues. I share this in the hopes of depicting our staff as a group of educators who is willing to do whatever it takes to help someone else succeed. Such virtuous acts are at the very heart of education, and I consider us blessed to have a school full of committed educators who will stop at nothing to help your children grow in all areas of their development.

For the second consecutive year I will be hosting Friday office hours after the 9:00am Mass until noon. Please look for the sign-up in Tuesday Tidbits to schedule a time to meet with me. You are welcome to email me and schedule a different appointment time if Fridays do not work for you, but for those parents that just want to chat, I can’t wait to hear your ideas as well as share ours for the year to ahead. The feedback you give at these meetings allows for immediate action to be taken if necessary. The annual survey–though it allowed for every voice in the faith community to be heard–was untimely and lacked the personal connection that is imperative for any healthy dialogue to occur.


We are all excited to partner with you again for another academic year. As we enter into a school year that looks a bit more familiar and certainly more desirable than the past couple of years, let us lean on the words of St. Catherine of Siena, who will help our entire faith community remain mission-driven for the year ahead; Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring. We have never been a community that becomes or remains complacent, so let us continue to push one another to strive for improvement in every element of our partnership, and remember that our long term goal for these children remains the same: sainthood.


I pray that God will bless you always,

Mr. Michael J. Pryor

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