
Arrival and Dismissal

 Students at Saint Timothy Catholic School travel to and from school each day by car and school bus. 

However they arrive, we can’t wait for them to get here!

For information about car transportation, please contact: Ms. Haley Martin.

For information about bus transportation, please contact: Mrs. Kathy Moses.

Morning Drop-Off
Click above to watch a tutorial.

Afternoon Pick-Up
Click above to watch a tutorial.

Preschool 11:00 Pick-Up

Our half-day AM preschool program ends their school day at 11:00. Families park in front of the school and pick up their little learners at the front door. 

Preschool 12:00 Drop-Off

Our half-day PM preschool students arrive at noon. Families park in the front of the school and meet the teachers at the front door.

"First Wave" Arrival

The first cars to arrive each morning are asked to pull forward into the outmost bays, as shown in the graphic on the right. To be good neighbors and minimize cars on Poplar Tree Road, we welcome the “first wave” of cars to unload and students to gather in the gym at 7:30. Our school doors open for walkers and carline drop-off at 7:35.

2025-2026 Annual Fees

Bus Transportation
  • 1 child: $1,686 Roundtrip and $1,013 One Way
  • 2 children: $2,512 Roundtrip and $1,516 One Way
  • 3+ children: $3,060 Roundtrip and $1,839 One Way