Your support to our Annual Giving Campaign will help us continue to maintain affordable tuition rates and provide a quality education for the next generation of Tigers. Tuition rates are well below the actual cost of educating a child at St. Timothy. The difference is made up from the generosity and support of our parents, parish and alumni. Please mail your donation to our school, or call to designate your funds to support: The Greatest Need, Tuition Assistance, PE/Athletics, the Mrs. Gallagher Science & Technology Fund, the Mrs. Diekemper Fine Arts Fund or the Mrs. Valatka Learning Resource Center Fund.
There are many ways our graduates and their families can continue supporting St. Timothy School in addition to a direct contribution through our annual giving campaign. You may also support the school through participation in the following fundraising opportunities.
United Way/CFC Campaigns: Designate STS as the recipient of your workplace giving campaigns. United Way Number: 8867. CFC Number: 35341.
Register STS for Store Donations: Many stores such as Giant, Safeway, Target, and Food Lion support St. Timothy by donating a percentage of sales to our school from registered participants. For information on how to register your shopping card, click here.