Curriculum Overview

Core Curriculum Overview

The Saint Timothy School curriculum encompasses the sequentially ordered learning experiences the school provides for its students. The total curriculum includes the development of Catholic values and attitudes, as well as the attainment of knowledge and skills necessary for the student’s spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and physical development.

The basic curriculum for the school includes the following subjects: Religion, Reading/Literature, Language Arts (English, Grammar, Spelling, Handwriting), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Fine Arts (Art and Music), Health, Physical Education, Computer Technology, and Library.

Saint Timothy School is accredited by the Virginia Catholic Education Association and follows the curriculum guidelines established by the Diocese of Arlington.

Advanced Academics

At St. Timothy Catholic School, we are very proud of our Advanced Academics Programs.

The 3rd and 4th grade teachers give an assessment prior to the anticipated start of each math chapter.

  • Third and fourth grade teachers and the advanced academics teacher meet to identify eligible students based on the assessment
  • Grade level teachers set the pace of the chapter
  • Advanced Academics teacher is responsible for lesson planning, grading and parent communication during the chapter for those students in accelerated class
  • The grade level unit is compacted so that students review and master grade level skills.  This will prevent gaps in student knowledge. Students then complete the correlated unit one grade level higher
  • At the conclusion of the accelerated unit, students return to the regular classroom, take the next assessment, and the cycle begins again
  • Students work on accelerated material when appropriate and are in the regular classroom for grade-level math when needed.

Advanced Writing

This program is designed to encourage writing and all students in grades 3-5 are welcome to participate!  Students will stay in their classrooms during writing instruction and are responsible for all the class work and homework assigned by their teacher.  The advanced writing activities are done in addition to the regular assignments.  Every week each student who chooses to participate will have an individual meeting to edit and review work.

Honor Code

Please click here to view the STS Honor Code.