Mrs. Caimano, 3A

My philosophy of teaching can be summarized in these words of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: Pray, hope and don’t worry.”
Mrs. Tessier, 3B

I believe that every child deserves a comfortable, fun, and safe learning environment and that every child can be successful.”
Mrs. Cocolis, 3C

I strive to create a community where students feel safe, supported and empowered to grow and find their voice both in and out of the classroom."
Third grade is an exciting year as students expand their academic skills and grow in independence, confidence, and virtue! Each week, students attend Specials classes such as PE, STEM, Art, Library, Music, and Spanish.
In reading, students work on developing stamina for longer texts, as well as reading with proper fluency, expression and phrasing. During the third grade year, many foundational tools are put into practice as students apply multiple comprehension skills to understand and interpret reading texts.
The Guided Math curriculum offers students hands-on learning opportunities to explore concepts, such as the beginnings of algebraic reasoning. There is an emphasis in third grade on obtaining mastery of multiplication and division properties and facts.
In Religion, students gain a more in-depth understanding of the Sacraments, the Creed, and milestones in Church history. They study Creation, the story of Adam and Eve, the Immaculate Conception, and the Assumption of Mary. Third grade students also learn new ways to deepen their prayer life, such as by learning the Morning Offering Prayer.
In Science, third grade students begin to collect data through multiple levels of investigation when conducting experiments. They learn to change variables and explore a variety of outcomes when visiting the Elementary Science Lab. Some of the topics they are introduced to through the Lablearner curriculum include matter, electricity, magnetism, nutrition and the solar system.
In Social Studies, students learn about United States geography and the branches and functions of the U.S. government. Students look forward to researching and completing projects about a state of their choice. To further enhance the Social Studies curriculum, students showcase their knowledge by performing in an exciting play about our “Fifty Nifty United States.”