Carpool Policies
Cars may not park in front of the school building during school hours. For the safety of all the students, drivers should be free of distraction including the use of cell phone devices during the carpool process.
AM Preschool and Full Day Drop-Off Instructions
Monday – Friday 8:00 Walkers: Walkers should not cross in front of the carpool line. There is a designated cross walk in front of the school building which is manned by parent volunteers and staff. Walkers should wait until all cars have come to a stop and they are directed to cross.
Car Riders
Preschool students attending the AM program will be dropped off in the carpool line with the rest of the school beginning at 7:35 am. No supervision is available before that time. Teachers, parent volunteers and safety patrols will assist your student in exiting the the car and walking into the building to find the classroom. Laminated bunnies and sailboats will be provided for car windows to assist the volunteers in recognizing a car with a preschool student. Parents should not exit their cars to assist. You will given an orange carpool tag that can hang off your rear view mirror to distinguish that your car has a preschooler.
All traffic enters on the right side of the church into the furthest bay. Here the flow splits into two lanes: the preschool carpool should go in the right lane and drive straight pass the bus barn and around the side of the cafeteria. when vehicles have stopped, students will exit the vehicles ON THE RIGHT SIDE and come directly into the building. Parent volunteers will indicate when it is safe to continue to exit via the second bay on the left side of the church and continue onto Poplar Tree Road.
AM Preschool Pick-Up Instructions
Monday through Friday 11:00: Park your car in a designated spot and come and pick your child up from the curb.
As there is minimal time between the preschool sessions we ask that you be prompt and expedient as you pick up your child. If there is a need to come into the school building, we ask that you park your car in the church parking lot rather than go through the car pool line. We do expect all students to be well behaved and respectful while at school, including during the carpool procedures.
PM Preschool Drop-Off Instructions
Park in a designated spot and walk your child to the door. If there is a need to come into the building then we ask that you park your car and ring the buzzer to enter school.
PM Preschool Pick-Up Instructions
Preschool students attending preschool in the PM or participating in our Full Day Preschool program are dismissed with the rest of the school in the carpool line. Preschool students will be waiting in the gym for their parents or guardians to arrive.
Before dismissal, cars should begin to line up in two lines in the far right bay adjacent to the bus barn. Please ensure your carpool number is displayed. Buses will be parked in front of the school. When the buses have been loaded and dismissed, teachers will direct cars to move to the front of the school, maintaining the double line. Drivers must put their cars in park and turn off their engines. After the whistle has blown, students whose cars have pulled in front of the school should enter their carpools.When the first group of cars has been filled, staff members will ensure that the lane is clear of children and direct the lines of car to proceed to the two farthest bays of the parking lot.If your student was not available for pickup, just follow the flow of cars and pull over in the last parking spaces on the right or parking spaces in the second parking bay. A faculty member will be available to ask for your number and call in for your child. The next group of cars will be moved to the loading area and the procedure will be repeated. Late pickup-ups must enter the building to sign out their students. A diagram of this process is available by clicking here.