Spiritual Life
Embracing our Catholic identity is a vital part of daily life at St. Timothy Catholic School. Students attend Mass sitting together with their prayer partners every Friday. Our four parish priests visit our school often. There are dedicated times for each grade to attend Confession and Eucharistic Adoration. We are a community and provide spiritual enrichment for our parents too. Moms and Dads are welcome to meet for the daily rosary at 8:30 in the church every school day. Once a month fathers and their children are invited to an All Pro Dad’s breakfast in our school cafeteria.
Solemn Consecration
To kick off our school year, at our Back to School nights parish priests lead a Solemn Consecration of our school to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Devotion to Mary
Our school boasts a lovely Grotto in the back of our campus. It is here that Our Lady is crowned by students every May. In October STS student participants of the Mission Commission travel to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary marked with a children’s Holy Hour. Because St. Timothy Catholic School and the Mission Commission, in particular, have been so active for the missions, we have been invited in past years to have a number of students participate in the event which is broadcast on EWTN.
Prayer Partners
Middle school students are paired with students in kindergarten, first and second grades. These partners spend time together before the school Mass on Fridays and sit next to each other during Mass, and share activities during the year. During Discover Catholic Schools Week, for example, Prayer Partners worked on a writing activity entitled “What does my Catholic faith mean to me.”
Faith in Action
Keeping with a tradition started by an 8th grade NJHS student, each first Friday the STS community brings in non perishable food items for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Members of our National Junior Honor Society collect the items from each grade and liaise with the food pantry volunteers.
The Mission Commission at St. Timothy School, one of our extra curricular clubs, exists to serve those who spread the Gospel of Christ. They organize a variety of charity drives through out the school year.
Each year seventh and eighth graders travel into Washington to support Life with their attendance at the Pro-Life Rally on the Mall. Students design bumper magnets and tee shirts leading up to this January event. Students also throw a baby shower to support Tepeyac Family Center.
In partnership with Catholic Charities, two middle school advisories travel to Woodstock, VA each month to assist those in need through the Catholic Outreach Program.